Simplify Your Marketing Journey with Market Me Strategy!


A Self-Paced Marketing Program for Solo Entrepreneurs: Hit your goals, ignite your marketing skills, and propel business success!

Owning a business is a big achievement, but when it comes to marketing, do you find yourself feeling lost or overwhelmed? Do you feel like your marketing is a shot in the dark? Falling on deaf ears?

You're not alone.

Marketing can be overwhelming, especially when you're trying to grow your business on your own. But it doesn't have to be this way!

Feeling Overwhelmed by Marketing?
We Make It Simple.

Your Marketing Struggles, Understood

  • Just when you get the hang of one trend, another emerges and the algothrim updates, how exhausting!
  • With so many options, it's hard to focus and know where to invest your time and money...
  • You're told to be everywhere, but there's only one of you. Overstretched much?
  • You want to invest wisely, but what if it doesn't pay off? Sound familiar?
  • You are worried about being just another face in the crowd? It's hard to stand out and get noticed...


Stop wasting your time hunting for the perfect solution. Without a solid foundation, your marketing could be a costly, ineffective mess. But fear not!


A Go-At-Your-Own-Speed Program to set you up for success!  We're talking about building the foundation of your strategy - unique to your business, strengths, and goals - so your marketing efforts and dollars don't go to waste.

Perfect for side hustlers, solopreneurs, and emerging entrepreneurs, it simplifies marketing essentials, eliminates overwhelm, and sets you on the road to attracting your ideal clients with ease.

- Haley K. (@__haleyk), 
2023 Program Member

"I loved being a part of this program! It was great getting to learn about all the marketing techniques and hearing other peoples struggles as well, knowing we are all the same. 
Learning all these techniques has been able to give me the strategies I need to create consistency and grow my brand in so many different ways. All it takes is action and I'm in there like swimwear! Thank you for your guidance on this journey ❤️"

- Breanne Queen (@thebreathingqueen), 
2023 Program Member

"The Market Me Strategy program was exactly what I needed. Toria and Alana are extremely knowledgeable and they really want you to succeed. I had very little marketing knowledge going into the program and I felt a little intimated to dive in. They created a safe space for me to learn about marketing and explore how I can implement the concepts into my business. As an entrepreneur, it can feel isolating at times because you're doing it all alone. The group setting allowed me to see how many others are in similar situations, proving that I am not behind, there are simple steps I can take to build my marketing foundation and see the success in my business that I desire. While in a group setting, they provided so much personal support and insight that really helped me to craft a solid marketing strategy for my business. Walking out of this program I feel much more grounded in what I am doing and I no longer feel like I'm missing something. If you have the opportunity to work with Toria and Alana take it, both you and your business will thrive!"

- Ashley Reina

"Working with the Market Me Program has been inspiring, clarifying & supportive. We’re excited for what we are creating together!"

- Katherine B.

"I'm so happy I bought this product. Immediately, all my questions were answered and I was able to finally get the clarity and results I was looking for. Thank you!"



BREak free from Uncertainty!

The Market Me Strategy Program is your lifeline in a world of marketing confusion! Say goodbye to sleepless nights as you now have the blueprint for building a solid marketing foundation. 

Solid foundation = Sales success

Our program is specifically designed to demystify marketing jargon and processes, making them accessible and easy to grasp.

You'll learn how to effortlessly kickstart your marketing journey and develop strategies that not only align with but also amplify your company's vision and purpose.

By the end of this program, you'll be navigating the marketing landscape with ease and confidence, equipped with the knowledge to create and execute strategies that actually work!


What You'll Gain:

  • Clarity on Your Marketing Strategy
  • Confidence in Taking Marketing Action
  • Trust and Legitimacy in the Eyes of Your Audience
  • Attraction of Your Ideal Clients
  • New Opportunities and Ideas for Growth
  • More Success with Sales

Program Highlights:

  • 8 Comprehensive Learning Modules
  • Bite-Sized, Actionable Lessons
  • Practical, Relevant Templates to use on repeat
  • Proven Marketing Strategies from working with hundreds of entrepreneurs
  • Refined and Optimized Programming Based on Previous Member Feedback (see below!)
  • Mindset Moments to Fuel Your Belief

Take Intentional Action



Our Simple Process for Your Success

Establish Your foundation

Your Unique Value

In the initial phase of the course, you will focus on simplifying and establishing your marketing strategy. You'll gain a thorough understanding of your customer. We will give you interactive tools like detailed fillable workbooks and engaging surveys. 

Simplify Your Strategy

Gain a deeper understanding and unshakeable confidence about what makes you stand out! We will teach you how to craft a compelling value proposition that clearly highlights the unique benefits of your company, and guide you in developing a brand voice and tone that resonates deeply with your audience. This is fundamental in building trust and engagement, forming the heart of your brand's effective communication.

Unlock the power of digital platforms! We break down the strengths and weaknesses of each platform, helping you make informed decisions on where to focus your marketing efforts. You'll be empowered to navigate social media with clarity and confidence.

Platform Breakdown

Designed to equip you with a comprehensive understanding of the various avenues available to amplify your brand message. Learn how to choose the right mix of channels that suits your business, so you can turn potential customers into loyal fans without the overwhelm.

Marketing Channels

Your go-to guide for crafting compelling and engaging content that resonates with your audience. Learn the art of storytelling, discover content formats that suit your brand, and master the techniques that turn casual visitors into loyal followers.

Content Creation

Connect & Collaborate

Supercharge your brand’s growth! Learn the art of building meaningful connections in your industry and discover how collaborations can be a powerful and cost-effective avenue for substantial business growth.

Accountable Action

Transform your approach to sales! Dive into strategies that prioritize transparency, empathy, and customer-centric approaches, ensuring that your sales efforts are not only effective but also aligned with your brand values. Learn how to communicate the true value of your products or services and create a sales process that feels genuine and trustworthy. 

Genuine Sales

Take charge of your business's success! Learn how to set realistic goals, create actionable plans, and stay on track with your business objectives. Understand the power of accountability in achieving sustainable growth, whether you're a solopreneur or leading a team. Elevate your accountability and see how it transforms your business from a vision on paper to a thriving reality.

Hey there! We're Toria & Alana, and we're on a mission to simplify your marketing journey.

Our brainchild, the Market Me Strategy Program, was born out of our own experience as entrepreneurs -- and the marketing struggles we saw with clients time and time again.

We get it! It doesn't make sense as an emerging entrepreneur to pay a costly agency to do it all for you...

Instead YOU need an understanding of the need-to-know "marketing stuff" and to get the ball rolling first! That's where THIS program comes it!

We know online programs can often be overwhelming and don't get completed. That's why our program is specifically designed in bite-sized pieces, with helpful templates, cutting all the fat and getting to the meat!  

What also sets us apart is our well-being approach! Your mindset and belief in self directly influence your ability to show up in your business. Our aim is to assist you in crafting a robust, long-term marketing strategy that isn't just a flash in the pan but a lasting solution.

The duo behind the program

Click HERE or any of the buttons on this page, complete the checkout, get your login email and off you go!


We’d love to work with you further! Please send us an email and we can discuss our 1-1 coaching & consulting offers.

WHAT IF I NEED hands-on Help?

Yes, our course is designed to be flexible. Once you enroll, you'll have access to all the modules, allowing you to learn at your own convenience and revisit the material as often as needed.

Can I access the course content at my own pace?

There are no ongoing membership fees! Purchase this program and you get product lifetime access. 



Who is this course best suited for?

Entrepreneurs, small business owners, freelancers, and anyone looking to enhance their understanding of marketing strategies to achieve long-term growth and success.

Our course is built on a foundation of practical, real-world knowledge and hands-on experience. We focus on providing actionable strategies that have been tried and tested in the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, ensuring that you gain the skills necessary to adapt and succeed.

What makes this course different from other marketing courses available online?



Connect with like-minded entrepreneurs, feel supported, and get your questions answered by the marketing experts! (PRICELESS!)


Make sure you haven't missed a critical step in your website setup and launch! ($8 value)


Access the full summit replay and learn from leaders in the areas of mindset, manifesting and marketing! ($97 value)



only $297

This program is for you if:

This program is NOT for you if:

✅ You're excited to use the course as a handy tool for growing your business.

✅ You're open to changing your business ideas if needed, understanding that flexibility is key.

✅ You get that success needs daily effort, patience, and it's a journey, not a race.

✅ You know there's no one-size-fits-all for success; you're ready to tailor strategies to fit your unique path.

✅ You're a doer, taking steps forward without letting excuses hold you back.

✅ You're cool with asking for help when you need it – because we all do!

❌ You think just buying the course guarantees success without putting in the work.

❌ You're not up for the nitty-gritty work that might not always be glamorous but is crucial for a successful business.

❌ You want a step-by-step guide for every minute, instead of making your own decisions.

❌ You're more concerned about tools than creating something awesome people want to buy.

❌ You expect the course to be a guide on specific tools rather than helping your marketing strategy.

This program is tailor-made for side hustlers, solopreneurs, emerging entrepreneurs, and stuck small business owners who prioritize both personal well-being and business success. 🚀

Take the leap, join the community of achievers, and let's elevate your business together. Click the button below to embark on a journey where your aspirations meet actionable strategies. If this doesn't quite align with your vibe, no worries – there might be a better fit for you elsewhere. But if you're ready for the next level, let's make it happen!